viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Where to go!?

Exposición de pintura
Dicotomía Dimensional

Exposición que se presenta, coordinados por Patricia Loyo. En ésta muestra podremos ver como el "el Ego es quien dice Ego", sus dialogos eternos, engranajes de un gran misterio revelador, deambulando en la búsqueda permanente de deidades celestes, demiurgos constructores de constelaciones inasibles.

Galería de la Fuente
Centro Cultural Ollín Yoliztli
Periférico Sur 5141. Tlalpan

Fecha / Hora: Inauguración a las 19:30 horas. Del 4 de marzo el 15 de abril. Abierta de lunes a domingo de 10:00 a 18:00 horas

Costo: Entrada libre

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Who's my favorite Romeo & Juliet character!?

Well I think that's pretty obvious... of course it is the only one who brings flavor to the play, which is refreshing after all the drama, and the one that just with a few lines, a few pages, or a few minutes, brings a laugh out of your mouth, or says the most brilliant things in such a unique way, and even though his appearance is just a glimpse compare to the other characters... it's enough to make him unforgettable.

And who could be the one I'm talking about!?... It's the funny, lovable, charismatic, and unique MERCUCIO!!!... He is the one I love the most no matter which adaptation of Romeo and Juliet we're talking about.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

The best actors of all times!... at least for me n_n

I have a lot of actors that I like a lot, but if I have to choose between them the list will be reduce to 2, and from them I can't quite decide which one is the one I like the most: Johnny Depp, and Jack Nicholson.

I like both of them because of their versatility; they can do any kind of characters, but always giving them some part of themselves that make their roles quite unique. They are always innovating with their movies; they are crazy, eccentric, and quite handsome. They just have something that makes me love them, and their movies of course; they just captivate me every time I see them perform.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Hi There!

Denisse Morales Hernández
Literatura y Narrativa en nuevos medios
Prof. Jochen Siess

Snow Blast!

Winter holidays, it was just another freezing day and there was nothing much to do. Nobody wanted to go out because of the cold stream #1500, it was a boring day, so my dad decided that we were going to be the exception and that we should go out.
At the end we went to the movies, I don’t quite remember which movie we went to see, I’m between “The Incredibles”, “The phantom of the Opera”, and “Harry Potter”, but that’s not important. Even though it was a cool movie... the really cool thing came next.
We were leaving the mall when something caught my attention, everything was white!!!, something happened outside while we were watching the movie, it rained, but not just rained… hailed, it was a hailstorm, and a very strong one.
Everything... the cars, the trees, the grass were white, the ice was so thick and so much that you couldn’t even see the street. It was like snow.
It was beautiful, and it was the closest thing I had ever been to something like a snowstorm. When I arrived to my house I took my warmest coat, gloves, and scarf, and went outside, everybody was there... they didn’t care about the cold like before, they just wanted to be part of such a strange phenomenon, just like me. We began to have snow fights, and even when it hurted… a LOT!, it was so much fun!!!, but while the time passed the ice began to melt until it was nothing left but cold water.
It didn’t last long, but it was worth of it, and I learned that even when you’re having the worst and borest day of your life, there could always be something incredible waiting for you, just when you least expect it.